Neubauer Fellows in the Sciences

The Neubauer fellowship is offered annually to four outstanding Arab Ph.D, students in the Sciences. Students are offered a scholarship in the amount of $100,000 for four years.

2020-2021 applications are open until September 1, 2020.

Meet our Fellows:

Reem Ghadir

Reem Ghadir
I was born and raised in Bir el-Maksur in the lower Galilee.
I am a first year student in the direct track towards Ph.D in Chemistry.
My research is exploring protein folding using chemical protein synthesis tools under the supervision of Prof. Norman Metanis, in the institute of Chemistry at the Hebrew University.
The goal is to obtain a deep understanding of protein features and functionality.
I completed my B.Sc. in chemical and biological sciences in the Hebrew University.

Juana Bana

Juana Bana
I am a Ph.D. student at Prof. Oded Livnah from The Life Science Department ad and Dr. Barak Raveh from the school of Computer Science. 
I was born and raised in Jaffa. Since high school, I was always intrigued by scientific research in general and specifically in biochemistry.
In the lab of Pro. Livnah we decipher protein structure and examine it for biotechnological purposes.
In the lab of Dr. Raveh, we use computational methods to examine databases of sequences, structures of proteins and more.
The main goal of my Ph.D is to understand the characteristics of nuclear pore complex (NTRs), including its structures and functions, and to use this knowledge to try and, hopefully, design synthetic NTRs for therapeutic purposes.

Bayan Mashareh

Bayan   Mashareh
I was born in east Jerusalem. I completed my B.Sc in chemistry and biology at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
In 2017, and earned my masters degree in biochemistry in the Hebrew University.
I published scientific papers on my research. TodayI am doing my PhD in biochemistry under the supervision of Prof. Tommer Ravid studying protein quality control mechanisms.

Bader Abu Radi

Bader Abu Radi
Abu Radi
I am a PhD student at the School of Computer Science and Engineering of The Hebrew University under the supervision of Prof. Orna Kupferman
I have a B.Sc and an M.Sc in Computer Science, both from the Hebrew University. My M.Sc supervisor was Prof. Orna Kupferman.
I have a broad interest in formal methods and automata. My recent focus has been on minimizing automata over infinite words. I am also interested in verification and synthesis of non-terminating systems.

Shrouq Mujahed

Shrouq Mujahed
My name is Shrouq Mujahed, I was born and raised in Jerusalem. I obtained my B.Sc from Birzeit University and my Masters degree from the Hebrew university of Jerusalem.
I am currently continuing my PhD at the faculty of Chemistry, also at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. I am working under the supervision of Prof. Dmitri Gelman, in which our area of focus is to develop and design new three-dimensional PCP pincer com
The importance of these catalysts lies on their ability of producing molecular Hydrogen (energy) form either natural or artificial feedstock in an efficient and a controllable sense.

Reem Sbieh

Reem Sbieh
My name is Reem Sbieh. I'm a first year PhD student at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
In my lab we study the relationship between cancer and the immune system.
My project involves deciphering regulatory networks that govern cytotoxic T cells' dysfunction, which will hopefully aid in future development of efficient immunotherapies for various types o f cancer.

Taghreed Hidmi

Taghreed  Hidmi
I was born in Jerusalem. Earned my B.Sc in Chemistry (with Distinction) from Birzeit University and my M.Sc from the Hebrew University. I am currently a Ph.D. student under the supervision of Professor Israel Agranat and Professor Gil Shoham.
The main goal of the planned Ph.D.research project is to elucidate the special role of the guanidine functionality in inter-molecular binding and recognition of medicinally relevant protein-drug systems.

Samar Aramin-Ashhab

Samar Aramin-Ashhab
I am Samar Aramin-Ashhab, a 30 years old woman from East Jerusalem- married with one child, and a phD student in the faculty of Biochemistry at Hebrew University of Jerusalem. My B.Sc. in Biotechnology is from Hadassah College.
My MA is from The Hebrew University in Microbiology. I work in the lab of Prof. Dana Reichmann. I have several research projects. One project is dealing with characterization of a novel redox-regulated protein, TrypOx, in T. brucei, leading to the sleepi
I conducted proteomic analysis of different Drosophila strains, one of them expressing human TDP-43 protein, which is linked to ALS pathogenesis. My analysis showed that expression of human TDP-43 leads to a differential protein expression in fly’s heads

Walaa Ziad Oweis

Walaa Ziad Oweis
Ziad Oweis
I was born and raised in Jerusalem. I spent my school days in Al-Nethamya school.
I earned my Bachelor's degree in Biology from The Hebrew University. I have finished my M.Sc.
(Cum Laude) in Biomedical science at The Hebrew University . Today in my Ph.D. I am studying the pre-symptomatic phenotypes of the Huntington disease using the iPSC derived from patients.

Shatha Boukeileh

Shatha Boukeileh
Shatha Boukeileh is a first year Ph.D. student in Pharmacology at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, under the supervision of Prof. Francesca Levi Shaffer and Prof. Boaz Tirosh.
Her doctoral research investigates the interconnectivity of KIT signaling and the unfolded protein response in normal and neoplastic mast cell function and survival, which may allow to implement pharmacological agents to control mast cells driven diseases
​​​​​​​Shatha obtained her B.Sc. degree in Pharmacy in 2010 form the University of Jordan and M.Sc. In Pharmaceutical Science from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in  2014.

Samar Aramin Ashhab Ph.D. Neubauer Fellow

Shatha Boukeileh, Ph.D. Neubauer fellow

Hammam Al Bustami Ph.D.Neubauer Fellow